
Session on Statistical Innovation in the European Statistical System


Two events of interest in the European Statistical System (ESS) will be held in Madrid, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the European Union Board: Session on Statistical Innovation in the European Statistical System and European Data Users Conference.

The INE is organizing a session on innovation in the European Statistical System (ESS) on 23 October, on the occasion of the European Statistics Day.

The president of the INE, Elena Manzanera, will open the session with a welcome speech to give way to the guest speakers.

The presentation on the Innovation Agenda of the ESS will be in charge of Marleen Verbruggen, director of economy, business statistics and national accounts of the Netherlands central statistics office.

Dominika Nowak, chief of analysis unit and experimental research of Statistics Poland will explain the Web Intelligence Network projects.

Ricardo Cao, professor of Statistics and Operative Research of the University of A Coruña, will comment the innovations agreement from the Spanish experience point of view.

The conference will end with a round table where all speakers will comment on different aspects related to innovation on statistical organisations.

The full programme of the session is already available.

The assistance is hybrid: in-person on the central services office of the INE (Avenida de Manoteras 50-52, Madrid) and online. The registration is mandatory in either of the cases. More information on the page of institutional acts of the INE web page.