
European Data Users Conference


The next 30 and 31 October, the National Statistics Institute (INE) and the Economy, Geography and Demography Institute of the CSIC (IEGD-CSIC) are organizing the 4th Edition of the INE-CSIC Conference of Population Census and Demographic Statistics.

During the entire morning of the 30th, coinciding with the Spanish presidency of the European Union Board, a first session will be dedicated to hold the European Data Users Conference, aiming to analyse the situation of social and demographic statistics in the field of the European Union.

These Conferences, which are a continuation of the ones held in 2015, 2018 and 2022, have established themselves as a very useful instrument for the exchange between producers and users of official statistics and have enjoyed growing participation and interest from the academic world. In addition, people will be able to debate about the future of public statistics in Spain in this edition, once the 2021 Population and Housing Census publication process has finished, based for the first time in administrative data and with plenty of methodological novelties.

The registration is already open in the conferences specific page. More information on the conferences page.