
Outcome of the first meeting of the Council Working Party on Statistics


On Wednesday 19 July, the first meeting, arranged as a videoconference, of the Council Working Party on Statistics (STATIS) under the Spanish Presidency took place. It was chaired by Ms Elena Manzanera, President of the National Statistics Institute.

In the first part of the meeting, Ms Manzanera presented the plans and priorities of the Spanish Presidency for the next six months.

Second, a representative from the Working Party on Own Resources informed about the three proposals on the system of own resources of the European Union, that can have implications on the production of official statistics.

In the following item of the agenda, the Commission (Eurostat) presented its Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation (EC) 223/2009 on European statistics and the main findings of the impact assessment. Delegates had the opportunity to exchange initial views of the Proposal and to ask questions and request clarifications from the Commission.

Finally, the Presidency informed on the state of play of the Data Act and other statistical dossiers.

The next meeting of the STATIS will be held in Brussels on 6 September.